Krystal Maroney is getting ready for her final match as a Cherry City Derby Girl as the league celebrates their 2nd Anniversary with a bout on April 30th at the Pavilion.

Maroney joined the league in August of 2009, and participated in her first match the following October. Even though this will be her final match, she still feels a strong connection with the league and is proud of how far it has come.

“This goal for the league this year is to establish some solid home teams and develop abilities of the players. That way we have a quality product for people to come watch.” Maroney continued, “It’s really expensive to throw the events so we want to be sure we have an event people will want to watch.”

Since joining she has helped with recruiting, training and the expansion of the league. She recently moved up to Portland and has already began practicing with the Portland team.

“I’m more in it for the athletic aspect than the entertainment. I’m transferring up to Portland so I can compete more competitively.”

The Roller City Rollers are Portland’s all female flat track roller derby league. Maroney hopes to eventually work her way up to the league’s traveling team, which is essentially a group of the league’s top players who travel throughout the country to play against out of town competition.

“I have to start as freshmeat and make one of the home teams before I can even be considered for the travel teams.” She said, “I have a ways to go. I still have a lot to learn about Rollerderby.”

Doors open at 5PM. The Derby starts at 6PM. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.

Thanks to William Bragg for the pictures.

For more information visit

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