*head shot*

So I hear this show Glee is pretty popular these days and was happy when I heard about an Oregonian name Kyle Burch working on set. Not a bad way to make a living.

Thanks for taking the time for the interview Kyle!

How is life going?

At the moment, life is going great, although it is extremely exhausting. I am eagerly awaiting summer hiatus away from the show for a little R & R and some much needed non-stop movie watching days.

How did you end up getting the job on Glee? And what is your average day like?

When I first moved to LA, I got a job working in a casting department. I eventually got sick of being stuck in an office all day long, so I utilized a few resources and connections I had made to get involved with the show. A friend of mine referred me for the job because they were looking for someone with my height and hair color and someone reliable and hardworking.
I am a stand-in on the show which basically means the cast comes in and does a rehearsal of the scene, after that, I step in and basically do everything my actor, Chris Colfer, just did so they can set up the lighting and camera shot. We usually start at 7 am and go until 8 or 9 pm. Sometimes it is exciting because if my actor is not there at the moment, I get to step in and do the rehearsal for him. Just last week, I got to act with Jane Lynch which was an awesome experience. In reality, our day is just a big tag team with the actors; when they come out, we go in, and vice versa.

You are originally from the Northwest, how long have you been living in LA and how was the adjustment period?

I moved out to LA almost five years ago. When I moved out here, I moved in with a friend from high school that was already living in LA. It worked out very well because he was able to show me around a little bit and help get me acquainted with the town. After a few months, I moved into my own place. Knowing someone in LA prior to moving out was the biggest help for me, but I understand not everyone has that luxury.

What are you up to off of the set?

I keep myself busy with writing and acting in short films in order to build up quality footage for an acting reel. On set, I am always so busy, so I have to find outlets that allow me to keep acting and doing what I love.

Do you ever brag about “the beer back home” when you are out in LA?

I don’t think I fully experienced “the beer back home” because I didn’t start drinking beer a lot until I moved out to LA. But believe me, I would brag about it if I was fully aware of the its greatness.

When was the last time you looked around the set and asked yourself, “what the hell is going on right now?”

Every day! There will be moments when I look around and say, “This is the weirdest industry in the world.” It can be both confusing and shocking on a daily basis. I think it would blow most people’s minds if they could see all of the chaos that happens off camera.

What do you miss most about living in the Northwest?

The thing I miss most about the northwest is all of the nature. I miss swimming in lakes or rivers on a regular basis. All we have here is a cement river and the ocean. I miss camping out in the wilderness so much. People around here just camp at the beach, but that is boring to me.

What do you miss least?

The rain. I love a little rain every now and then, but honestly, the northwest can be a bit depressing if you catch my drift.

Closing thoughts?

By some people’s standards, I am successful at the moment, but this industry is ever-changing and one day things can be great and the next, it can all go downhill. It is all about opportunities. I will feel successful when I am actually acting in films and television. But at the current moment, I really do enjoy my job and Glee is a great show to be a part of. I get to watch people sing and dance all day long!