
by Jake Espi

The Like, Retweet and +1 buttons have been huge in the success of social media because of how simple and efficient they are to use. Although the three buttons function slightly different, we generally use them for the same reasons.

Here is a list of 10 of the biggest reasons the buttons get used–not listed in any specific order.

1. Sharing Breaking News.

This is one of my favorite reasons to use social media. All major new organizations currently use social media. Because I follow them on Twitter and Like their Facebook page I’ll know when something has happened and will be able to share a link to the story with my friends and followers.

Sometimes this breaking news is information about a natural disaster and sometimes it lets me know not to drive down I-5 because there is a traffic jam near Woodburn.
Another great aspect of social media is that we aren’t forced to rely on major news organizations as much for reliable information. Everyone is a journalist now and I can get breaking news first hand from friends all over the country via their tweets and updates.

2. To Help Promote.

We all know an artist, musician or promoter who uses social media to get the word out about their upcoming projects. Some people do a great job of this and others get a bit annoying .
A simple Retweet or Like will help spread the word about their events.

Many times people will actually type “Please RT” to help encourage their followers to take action.

3. To Show We Agree With an Interesting Point or Co-Sign on an Idea.

If someone writes, “I’m going to start a business delivering Mexican food to drunk people at 3AM,” someone might put a +1 by it because we hope they start the business. Especially if they happen to be drunk and craving Mexican food.

4. To Share We Are Doing the Same Thing.

This seems to be especially popular with concerts, sporting events and TV shows.

“@MusicFan Me TOO!! RT @MusicLover Going to Warp Tour Today!!”

5. To Let People Know We Wish We Were Doing The Same Thing.

Sometimes people may write about going on vacations, or having a relaxing day at home. Even though we aren’t able to enjoy life the same way that they are, it is not uncommon to hit the Like button to show that we wish we were.

6. Because Something is Funny.

This is usually the reason I retweet something. For example:

“@The_Kid_Espi RT PropaneLV Blaming rap for your actions really works though, idk why tiger didn’t think of that”

Laughing is awesome. Why not share something that makes us laugh?

7. To Show Appreciation.

Celebrities’ will retweet people posting how great their latest movie or album is.

Promoters will retweet someone posting about going to their event.

Also, if someone decides to share information about a good deed they’ve done throwing a quick +1 on the comment will let them know that you appreciate their effort.

8. To Show That Others Agree With Us.

When a person makes a point on social media they are generally hoping to get a reaction. In order to combat all of the responses they get saying that they are wrong they might start retweeting everyone who agrees with them.

Probably one of my least favorite reasons to retweet and I’ve unfollowed more than one person for doing this.

Retweet someone if they have a new point that helps your argument, but don’t start filling up my timeline with a list of people who have said nothing more than, “I agree.”

9. To Answer a Question.

People will often retweet a question before posting the answer. Because posts on a timeline have an extremely short lifespan, doing this can help people know the tweet is a response to the question.

If the response comes three hours after the questions was initially asked, or even the next day, the person who asked, “When does the next season of Entourage Start?” might have no idea what you are referring to when you reply with, “Next Sunday.”

10. To Let People Know We Are Happy for Them.

We all love having good news to share. A simple Retweet, Like or +1 can let people know we are happy to hear their good news.

We Out Here.

What are some other reasons you’ve seen people use these buttons?