Photography by Andrew Roles and V1Creative

Name: Dawn Ullom

Age: 25

Home Town: Dallesport, Washington

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Number: 10

Favorite Portland Trail Blazer: LaMarcus Aldridge

Favorite Scary Movie: The Hill’s Have Eyes

Dawn is very superstitious. She’s had many encounters with ghosts and demons throughout her life. Once she encountered a ghost or spirit while on a family vacation at the coast; she was a ten year old at the time, but she remembers seeing something creeping down the stairs of their beach cabin like it was yesterday.

More recently, she came across what she thinks to be a demon in her hometown of Dallesport Washington. Dawn describes this demon creator as a naked all black bodied form that crawled on its hands and knees across the road–right in front of her truck.

Dawn said her father saw the demon as well.

Once while playing the family game “Ouija Board”, she asked if there were any spirits in the room, and the Tickle Me Elmo in the room replied to her with it’s signature laugh. She swears up and down that the toy Elmo wasn’t on, but when I asked if she would play the Ouija board again with me she replied very quickly saying “Hell Yeah! But let’s play with a real board not that Parker Brother stuff.”

Looks like I have plans this Friday the 13th, burning incense and playing the Ouija Board with the beautiful Dawn Ullom.
