(Ed’s Note: We thought it would be appropriate to have Oregon’s Mr. Nice Guy (Matty) chat with the International Man of Leisure (Calvin Valentine) about all things Out Here. Make sure you check out the projects released this month by Matty and Calvin Valentine. #OutHerePDX)
Let’s start it off with a bong (whoops, meant bang).
Your bong is famous, tell us everything you know bout it.
Ahh yes..A wonderful piece bought in Eugene at Sweet Potato Pie my junior year of high school–around 2004 or 2005. It’s been a staple in my studio ever since.If you listen closely you can hear it on every record I’ve released since then and see it in most the visuals I’ve put out…It’s sitting next to me right now! lol. #GreenTeamOfficial
“My bongs been in more videos then most you rappers”
You just released a new project “Red Eye Flights”, what does the title mean?
2011 was a year of traveling for me..it started with a trip to Europe in February with Illmaculate and Cool Nutz which was my first time overseas and ended with a trip to LA in December with Artistic Outlet to shoot a video with Planet Asia.
When I went to make the album, a lot of the content was inspired by the places I was flying to and experiences I had. Also its got that double meaning of being high.. YOU KNOW!
On a side note, once we got back from London my good friend King Cool Nutz dubbed me the “International Man Of Leisure” so I had to make a song with that title thanks Nutz!
3. Do you think it would be possible for you to date a girl that didn’t smoke?
You may be surprised by this but most of the girls I’ve dated are NOT pot heads.
4. Why release “Red Eye Flights” for Free?
The music industry right now is in a state of general disarray!
Over-saturation and stimulation. Instead of trying to sell records to fans who don’t want to buy them..I rather have my music available to any one who wants to hear it or stumbles across it and I just hope they like it enough to share it with someone.
5. Who is the hottest girl in Portland?
She knows who she is…
6. Blunts, Bongs or Joints?
Bongs fresh out the freezer for me, but I’m a seasoned smoker! If you are a first timer I would suggest joints to ease ya into it. Bongs can really take ya out.
7. What is your favorite track on “Red Eye Flights” and why?
I might have to say Boat Shoes.My dude Verbz had given me the original song for it months ago, and I had been listening to it since then.
(Sample heads can you tell me the record that I flipped?)
Finally when It came time to work on this album I knew I wanted to chop that record. I feel like I did the original song justice–the beat knocks.
Right after I made the beat I laced the hook and verse I knew I needed a verse from Tope–cause we all know Ladies love Tope! It’s just a fun record, and the video we shot for it is WILD to say the least, so be on the look out for that.
Also, Noah Porter stopped by the studio to show me a TxE music video he was working on while I was in the middle of making the beat. What up Noah!
8. You’ve released multiple projects lately, what’s next for Calvin Valentine?
Shoot, I’m just trying to focus on doing more shows with my family TxE and keep shooting videos with the home team Artistic Outlet Media, but as far as projects I’m releasing this year, I’ve produced albums for Sam Trump, Caitlin Cardier, Fang Tshida, N.VS, ILLA, TxE, MRTS PRPL…just to name a few.
More music soon so get your iPods cleared!
Thanks for the time CV, you can check out more at www.GravityHits.com
9. Anything else you want the people out there to know?
Shouts to Lawz Spoken that’s my dude go buy some beats from him!
Oh, also go get my album and tell all your friends, and watch the first music video “On My Way’.
(shameless promotion!)
Shouts to Matty and WeOutHere. Hello Jake!