You know a girl is winning when hot girls hate on her. About a year and a half ago, that’s exactly how I heard of Domonique “NG” Glover, a burgeoning young fashion and runway model from Portland with a reputable late-night Twitter game. If guys hate on a model, it’s probably because she’s not cute and/or her portfolio only exists on Facebook and is full of pictures taken in a messy bathroom. If women are hating though, that usually indicates jealousy. I don’t make the rules.

From walking the runway at Stylized to features in the Examiner and GGurls, Miss Glover has stayed on her independent grind, using her looks and wits to land bigger and better spots. After she featured as VIBE Vixen of the Day earlier this May, we at WOHM felt it would be an excellent idea to feature her in our magazine as well. I mean… We like pretty girls too! Thankfully, NG was up for the shoot, and we had fun putting in work to the sounds of Kendrick Lamar in the Studio de Roles. But let me stop boring you with my banter. You want to know about the girl, right? Right.


Name: Domonique “NG” Glover

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 124lbs

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Measurements: 32-24-28




Mac: Your waist is TINY! What do you do to keep your figure?

NG: I don’t really have a trick or a specific workout. I just got lucky. Now that I’m getting older, I’m starting to try to maintain it, but it’s in the beginning stages so I don’t have a workout plan.

Mac: I’m sure the girls slaving away in the gym hate you right now… Ha! Speaking of hate, they say being a model in Portland is about as difficult as being a rapper here. How has your experience been?

NG: I’m going to start off by saying this: It’s only difficult to be successful in this city because we don’t allow each other to do so. Instead of encouraging each other and pushing each other to succeed we bring each other down. We already get looked over because of the fact that we are a very small city in a very small state but the fact that we work so hard to hurt each other and hold each other back doesn’t help. If we helped and actually followed our city motto “SupPortland” I feel that we would get a lot further.

In my experience, I’ve been getting a lot of support, not only because people see me trying, but because for the most part, I respect others crafts and hustles. It goes with that saying “Respecting gets you respected.”

Mac: Fair enough. Quick question, who’s your favorite rapper in the Northwest? I mean, besides me, of course.

NG: Well of course you! {Writer’s note: Awww!} I have a LOT of RC (Rydaz Committee: Francheyes, YNGZ, & Session) in my iPod, a bunch of Illa, Mikey Vegas, and a few others. I’m not huge on rap music but to be honest, for the most part I’m very proud of how far our Portland rappers have come, there’s a bit of a stigma behind being a Portland rapper but I’m seeing the talent come out of people!

Mac: Word! So if I got in your Beamer and turned on your stereo, what would I be listening to?

NG: I hate all of the current music to be honest. If you turned on my stereo you would be listening to a lot of Lauryn Hill, Musiq Soulchild, Alicia Keys, Donnell Jones, Tony Toni Tone, Raphael Saadiq, A Tribe Called Quest, Common, Talib Kweli, Drake, etc. Of course when I’m going out I will turn on some of the newer music to get me hyped up, but for the most part you’re going to hear a lot of neo-soul and conscious rap music.

Mac: What are your favorite hangout spots in Portland? Where might a young thirst-monger find you out partying on a Saturday night?

NG: I was such a huge Beauty Bar fan!! I’m so disappointed to see it closed! Honestly as of right now, I don’t have any because they have all been shut down. However, I do like Live and Direct at Rotture, East, Someday and Bar XV; those are good spots to catch me at. Also, I’m getting back to runway shows starting with Stylized with the Hip Hop Junkies at Someday on May 4th, as well as just about every Audio Dope event.

Mac: Nice! By the way, it’s kind of amazing that you happened to have lipstick that perfectly matched this super-bright, one-of-a-kind tee we made for you. What other “essentials” do you carry around?

NG: I just like to be prepared. I do my research for shoots if I’m shooting for something specific. I took “We Out Here” for the title as it is, Out There. So I figured I’d bring some “out there” items, crazy lipsticks, wild pieces of clothing, etc. As a woman it’s in our DNA to be prepared. I make sure at any given time I’m prepared, I walk out the house in a natural day-time look, even if its sweats with very little or no make-up but I’m always prepared to go from day to night. So I make sure I have a pair of black or nude pumps, jeans or a plain dress with accessories, and more “night time” make-up.

The electric blue, greens, purples, and midnight blue lipsticks stay in my purse, in case I’m feeling rebellious! ;)

Mac: Rebellious, huh? What are you most comfortable wearing?

NG: I’m most comfortable in sweats and leggings and a boyfriend tank (wife beater). I am a huge girly girl, but when I’m just chilling with nowhere to really go, I like to be in sweats and Uggs. I don’t wear sneakers unless I’m going to the gym.

Mac: If you woke up one morning and were as ugly as I am, what would you do with your life?

NG: First off, I don’t believe in “ugly”. I also don’t believe that looks can hinder your aspirations. If you have a talent, that trumps your looks. As long as you have the drive, you can do anything. My main focus, the most realistic to me is to be an entertainment publicist, as well as a model. Regardless of how I looked that’s what I would want to do.

Mac: Anybody you want to throw a shout out to?

NG: Simply put; those who support me, not just with this whole “modeling” thing, but just in general. Good friends, and family. Support is very hard to get these days, so any time I get any sort of support, it means a lot.

Mac: Truth. Swaggernacle.