Playing hard isn’t quantifiable without working hard. Working hard isn’t possible without a job. And having, let alone finding, a job ain’t easy. We Out Here Magazine wants you to look good, feel good, have good sex…and stack that paper. So, here are ten things to help you on the job hunt; looking, feeling, and AHEMing! good will follow.
1. Own “interview” clothes
Regardless of what we were taught as children, people will still judge a book by its cover. Gentlemen, that means looks are half the battle. If you walk into a job interview or networking event unpresentable, recruiters might not even give you the time of day. You may be qualified (or even more than qualified!) for the position, but if the recruiters can’t make it past your chewed-up sneakers and see-through button up, consider it self-explanatory that they won’t make it to your resume. Wear a thick, expensive button-up with an undershirt. Consider a tie. Match the leather on your belt to the leather on your dress shoes. Do not wear jeans. Or, put that all into one rule and: Dress as if you already have the job.
2. Wear a watch
The only people that still wear watches are businessmen. If you’re not a businessman, fake it ‘til you make it…wear a watch. If you are a businessman, step-up your game and live up to your reputation…wear a watch. The common thinking is that with cell phones as our third limbs, we’re permanently “watched.” The higher thinking is that it’s tacky to pull a cell phone out mid-meeting to check the time—be sneaky / polite / efficient / well-dressed…wear a watch.
3. Bring something to take notes with to interviews
Even if you don’t actually take notes during the interview, bringing something to take notes with makes you appear prepared. Like not showing up empty handed to a party (see Number One here), don’t show up empty handed to a job interview.
4. LinkedIn
Get a LinkedIn profile. I met a man the other day who said, “LinkedIn isn’t my style.” Job hunting or not, LinkedIn should be EVERYONE’S style—especially if you’re job hunting. The level of detail is up to you, but I’d err on the content-heavy side (my profile is 99% filled out). Embrace LinkedIn.
5. Upload a professional (or semi-professional) Facebook / Twitter photo
Along the lines of LinkedIn, upload a professional (or at least semi-professional) Facebook and Twitter photo. Recruiters and hiring managers Facebook stalk potential hires just as much as you Facebook stalk potential (or past) mates. Your photo doesn’t have to be a suit and tie head shot, but it certainly shouldn’t be of you: playing beer pong, shirtless, flipping the bird, groping a statue, photo bombing, or in Cinco de Mayo attire.
6. Update your resume and references
Always have your resume up-to-date and ready to share. You never know who might want it; and if the opportunity arrives, you won’t want to make them wait. (Cue: update your resume NOW.) Similarly, have your references fully on-board and informed that you’re job hunting. If / when they pick up a reference check phone call you want them to sound confident, an unprepared reference could be mistaken for a poor one.
7. Send thank you notes
Handwritten (yes, you read that correctly) thank you notes are few and far between nowadays. I always write handwritten thank you notes post job interviews and post holidays. Even if you bombed the interview or can’t see yourself accepting the position, sending a thank you note shows humility, gratitude (duh), and keeps the door open for future opportunities. Keep the note short and sweet. Address it to a real person—NOT “To Whom It May Concern,” in fact, avoid that opener at all costs, in all situations. State one unique thing about the interview (e.g.: Grabbing a beer made for an awesome, laid back interview. or Your office space is so cool, I can see myself being very productive there. or It’s cool that we both listened to The Kid Espi growing up, small world.). Finally, say thank you for the opportunity and for their time and sign the note sincerely, literally.
8. Set up a professional email address
You’re no longer in college. Why are you still using your .edu email? Gmail is free. Sign up! (Cue: NOW.) Get an account with just your first and last name, or first name and last initial, or first initial and last name, or another combination of the sort. If you absolutely have to use a number, use a “1.” Do not—I repeat DO NOT—use your birth year or graduation year; your age should always remain unknown when job hunting.
9. Appear clean-shaven, with clean hair, and a clean rest of body
Hand-in-hand with Number One, is simply being clean. I recommend fully shaving off any facial hair for your job interview, since many companies have a no-facial hair policy. If you aren’t willing to go bare until you actually have the job, at least get a line up. Wash your hair; brush your hair; heck, maybe even put some gel in your hair. Tidy up the rest of you too—make sure there’s no car grease on your hands and if you have an exposed war wound, put a band aide on.
10. Ensure reliable transportation
On the day of your interview, more than ever, reliable transportation is crucial. Pretend like you’re catching a flight to the airport, or going to the first home Duck game. You don’t want to be late; in fact, you want to be early! Ten to five minutes early is perfect. More than ten and you’ll look desperate. Less than five and the interviewers might be waiting on you; when all the opposite, YOU want to be waiting on THEM.
Where to begin? Here are some sites to help you start your job hunt:
- Monster
- Craigslist
- Willamette Week’s jobs section
- Careers with the City of Portland
- Mac’s List
Now, stack that paper.