As you may remember from an article we posted a few months back, you are the sum of the five people you hang out with most. These five people are your inner circle, and it’s important to pay attention to who we keep close as they define who we are.


There are a lot of reasons to keep and add people to our priority list, but here is a brief list of 10 Things that should keep someone…out.


1. Being lazy

We posted this on our social media yesterday, and I hope people paid attention. Laziness is contagious. If your friend is lazy, and you are spending a lot of time with him/her chances are you are lazy yourself or you are becoming lazy.

Smoking bowls and watching Breaking Bad is a lot of fun, but if you’re on your third time watching Breaking Bad Season 4 it is probably time to find a better way to spend your time.

2. Having a pessimistic attitude

There is nothing worse than a person who brings a shitty attitude to every table you sit at. A person who tears down every idea you have should be out of your circle as of yesterday! Don’t keep someone around who is going to make you doubt an idea you haven’t even had yet.

You will suck at everything you ever try the first time you try it. Most of the ideas you have will be god awful. But you won’t get better at anything or learn from your bad ideas if you don’t give it your all with everything you do.

3. Being a ‘yes’ man

‘Yes’ men bring nothing to the table. They will smile in your face, then talk behind your back. Kick out the  ‘yes’ men, and bring people into the circle who will provide constructive criticism to your ideas and help you grow.

And don’t be a ‘yes’ man yourself. Find a balance between honesty and courtesy, and share your opinions.

4. Saying Black Eyed Peas is your favorite band


5. Having conflicting priorities

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing…

If you have priorities separate from someone else, it might be time to let them loose and find a replacement for your circle! People with similar priorities will eventually start hanging out together and will spend their time doing what is most important to them.

If you spend your time playing basketball, you will become better and will start hanging out with better basketball players. The same is true whether you spend your time playing video games, starting businesses, or doing drugs.

6. Creating conflict

Some people feed off unnecessary conflict (aka drama). There is no reason to keep around negative energy. Any time spent focusing on a distraction is spent away from your priority.

7. Lying

“All I have in this world is my balls and my word – and I don’t break them for no one. You understand?”

Sometimes honesty comes to keeping your word.

8. Speaking on everything

Talk about things you know about. Nobody wants to hear the same person dominate every topic of every conversation. If you know the most about everything your friends talk about, it might be time to find a new friends who will challenge you intellectually…or you might just think you do and are actually that asshole at the party.

9. Being in debt…with everyone

Everyone needs help from time to time, but not repaying debts shows poor character. If you borrow money, pay it back before you go out and get gear for the party.

10. Being a prick

This covers a wide variety of actions, but generally boils down to being respectful.

Respect your neighbors. Don’t be a prick.

