Eighty4 Fly landed our song of the month in July for his single Kush High, and is ready to drop his album Colors tomorrow.

We caught up for G Chat last month to get the run down on his project.

Swag, as the kids say.

What up!

Whats up my guy.

Just trying to take over the world.

Lol, lets link up and do that shit right there.

Down! #OutHere #LetsGo #AllThat. The new single Kush High is really good man. How have the responses been?

Really damn good man. That song buzzed kinda heavy for a no budget release. Thanks too brobro. This whole tape is kind of epic.

It’s good to see solid music getting attention like that. Seems to be something Seattle’s becoming known for.

Yeah, Seattle is doing pretty good right now.

Are you working on a video for the single?

Yeah actually just left a meeting for it, haha.

What can we expect?

Well we were aiming at a GFX heavy video, but that idea might not work. So now we will have to shoot something less time consuming, which I hate because it may take away from the creativity and such, but overall a dope ass video is expected.

Who do you have working on the video?

Jonjon – unless he can’t make it to Seattle or something like that, but that’s best case scenario for me because of my chemistry with him. He’s my brother from another.

What can we expect from the new album, and how did you come up with the name Colors?

The tape is really dope. I’m growing as an artist and really trying to find what I do best and I’m trying things. It’s, in my opinion, the best put together work I’ve done yet, and I’m excited to have it talked about, discussed and judged. It will tell me what I need to know for sure.

I think when describing a song it’s easiest to describe the mood or feeling it gives you and when describing a mood or feeling you use a color, like “feeling blue”. So songs have moods and moods have #COLORS #POW haha.

You seem to be developing a pretty consistent sound with your production, even though you work with multiple producers. Are you filtering through beat tapes and finding production that works for you, or are people sending you custom material?

A bit of both. I’ve come to know a lot of producers who will shoot me record that they feel works for me, and I also have producers I can actually shoot ideas and samples to. Really the beat selection comes down to what I would personally listen to and what sounds either interesting or challenging. I try to cover a lot of ground as far as me as an artist from, “So Cool” to “HipHopSh!t”. I’m still in the process of finding what I do best, and I think Colors is the closest thus far.

How do you feel having people compare your sound to national acts like Drake?

How would a basketball player feel about someone comparing his jumper to MJ? Or his speed to Iverson? I love it, and I think it’s an overall compliment because we are talking about successful sounds. Everybody kinda sounds like somebody. It’s not like Wiz is far off from Currensy or ASAP is far off from those two. I’m sure they’re not making a conscious effort to do it just like I’m not. It’s just what came while I was writing.

Hip hop is just a freely spoken community and sometimes judgmental in both good and bad ways. Nobody is complaining that Coldplay sounds like The Fray. It’s music–enjoy it or don’t and find what you enjoy.

Good call. Hip hop heads are snobs for sure. Everyone thinks their type of hip hop is the “real hip hop.”

And that’s crazy because it’s all preference. When one person says 2pac is the best and another says Biggie is the best, they are both right to somebody and wrong to somebody else.

It’s so simple and it comes down to just enjoy the music you enjoy, branch out from genres and find other things you like. Explore music!  Stop being a hiphop head and start being a music head. Haha, I promise Rev Run will forgive you.

Who are a few NW artists you haven’t had the chance to work with yet but would like to?

Sol, MadRad, Leezy Saprano, Parker Joe, Jarvdee. My abilities stretch as far as type of music I can & like to make so i see opportunity everywhere & would be excited to see how someone else will affect a record.

Did you watch Dark Knight Rises yet?

Nah man, I got scared away. haha.

Don’t let the terrorists win. What’s the last movie you saw in the theaters?

Prometheus, which was a dope movie. I don’t go movie theater much anymore because they all have comfortable ass chairs now. Shit are like beds bro, and I pass out like 20 minutes into the movie. haha. I’m a slight movie buff too, so it pains me to miss the movie like that, but i can’t help it.

Do you have a tour set up for the album release?

Yeah for sure, we are in the works of setting that up trying to get all the cities possible so I can get out there and get some face time with the people that support. It’s gonna be shortly after the Aug 25th release.