Cubans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (you thought I was just a lil’ white girl, didn’t you?), but we’ll use it as an excuse to party! I’m flying into PDX from San Francisco; I have cousins flying in from Los Angeles and Nashville; and my aunt, uncle and their two dogs are coming down from Anchorage. My immediate family already living in “Portland and the surrounding areas” will of course be there; and a few friends who have no where to go this year will all join at my mom’s house too. So even though Cubans have no ties to Thanksgiving, we have every reason as you, if not more, to be thankful.
One of my easiest posts yet: 10 THINGS: @SillyCristina Is Thankful For…
1. My parents
Man, was I a troublemaker as a kid… I snuck around, snuck out, and worked the divorced-parent system. But to this day, my parents have had my back against every bully in school and each boy that broke my heart; they didn’t leave me when I was a hormonal tween, dramatic teenager, or lost young adult; and they supported (funded) even my craziest ideas. That’s unconditional love.
2. My best friend
Likewise, I sure have put my best friend through some shit! We’ve been best friends since I was 17-years-old and I think we’ll be best friends for life. #BFF
3. My job
In case you haven’t heard, I have a pretty kick ass job. There are days when I think I could get paid more at another gig, but then there are days when I think I can’t believe I get paid for this!
4. That I “got it from my mama”
Many of you know my mom—she’s a D-list celeb in Salem and alongside Number Two above, she’s my best friend. She taught my how to: Cook, clean, speak English and Spanish, do my makeup, wash my clothes, and use my manners. She encouraged me to: Join a sorority, pursue my career dreams, stand up for myself, and when I had the choice to sit it out or dance… to dance. Finally, and gentlemen the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my ass? I got it from my mama.
5. My walk-in closet
This is the second walk-in closet I’ve had in my life; and if I keep saying my prayers, hopefully not the last.
6. My iPhone (and other Apple products)
It’s hard for me to remember what life was life pre-cellphones. My iPhone is my: Clock, calendar, bank, wallet, radio, cab hailer, toy, notepad, financial advisor, camera, mirror, weather man, photo album, web browser, mailbox, travel agent, TV, calculator, alarm clock, compass, address book, and of course, phone.
7. Being a Taurus
If you know anything about astrology, you know Taureans can be stubborn, but are the perfect woman. If you know nothing about astrology, read up. I’m stubborn and I know it! [LMFAO voice]
8. The city I live in
Salem will always be home, and Oregon will always be a great place to visit, but NorCal is getting all my attention right now. San Francisco to be exact. Check out the street I live on: Bar after bar after restaurant after bar after nail salon and dry cleaner and café after bar. It’s also currently sunny, dry and upper 60s during the day and upper 50s at night…in mid-November!
9. My five senses
“I am Cristina and I am addicted to The X-Factor.” (It feels good to get that out.) I joked on Twitter once that I’d give my sight to be able to sing like some of the contestants. In all seriousness, I’m thankful to have my five senses—six if you count womanly intuition.
10. My health
Like my five senses, I am in good health…spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically—again, I got it from my mama. Except for my nails—I have to pay for those.
Other things I’m thankful for (beyond the obvious food, shelter, etc.): My new Gucci, my national sorority (AOT!), Duck football, my raspy voice, Crest 3D Whitestrips, Pad Thai, my Sorel boots, my favorite bar, the gentlemen that buy me drinks at my favorite bar, the cab driver that didn’t make me pay my fair after a horrible date, sunny days in NorCal, and umbrellas for when I visit home.
Jokes aside, Happy Thanksgiving from WOHM.