Northwest weather is such an interesting thing. Those of us from here know that once temperatures climb above 65 degrees, the booty shorts and tank tops come out. Anything above 80 degrees inspires partial nudity. This weekend temperature are supposed to hit 90 and during the week they will be climbing closer to 100.

We usually have to wait until the 2nd week of August to see temperatures this high and even then they only last for a few days. That being said, I’m sure many of you are a bit unprepared, so I thought I’d give you a few tips to survive this mini heat wave.

Go floating! If you’ve never done it, you’re missing out. Nothing helps you beat the heat better than lounging on an inner tube while your bum floats in a cool river.  Grab some friends and some beers and head out for the day. Just don’t forget your sunscreen.

Drink up. No, not alcohol. Well, yes, alcohol. But when you’re out day drinking at Do Over on Sunday, make sure you’re drinking water as well. Dehydration is so not swag bro.

Get comfy in a basement. If you know anyone with a basement, get there quick to reserve your seat. Quick nerd break: Heat rises, so the coolest room is always going to be the basement. Maybe you know someone with a studio in their basement. You can spend the week hiding from the heat AND being productive working on new music. And when you’re done, send it to us so we can take a listen and post it on WOHM.

Go to the movies. They always try to freeze movie theaters for whatever reason so go ahead and take advantage. Head to Cinetopia for a super swaggy movie date, or be cheap and spend less than $20 for two at St. Johns Theater.

menstankDress appropriately. Don’t be the one walking around in a turtle neck making everyone else sweat just by looking at you.  Make sure you’ve got some sundresses , shorts and tanks to perfect your swag.

Go shopping. The mall always has A/C. And if your wardrobe wasn’t quite ready for the heat, you should go get some new stuff anyway. Just don’t go every day. Kicking it at the mall got played out in 10th grade.

Get a natural tan….for free. Hey guess what, the sun tans you for free. Grab a towel and lay out in the back yard, just don’t forget to turn every 15 minutes and look out for that creepy neighbor before you undo the strap on your top.

Find a pool. There are tons of public pools around. And I’m sure you have at least one friend who lives in an apartment complex with one. Go get your Michael Phelps on *cough cough* and enjoy a nice swim. Light up the BBQ pit, but don’t forget to wait 30 minutes after you eat to get back to swimming. I never believed that sh*t. You can also head to one of the many fountains aroun town and get a little wet.

Go to the beach. In the Northwest, the beach is always at least 10 degrees cooler. The water may be ice cold still, but you get the sun and the breeze and the weather is absolutely perfect.

Be miserable. Sit at home on your leather couch in a pool of sweat for all I care. Just don’t complain where the weather gods can hear you. I’m not ready for the rain to come back.

Stay cool, my friends.