WOHM·ing: [wohming] verb: The act of putting on for your region, encouraging the #RapLife, and being generally out here.

This last Saturday, Juice Radio held its second annual debate for Freshest In The Northwest, a list of the NW’s top solo rappers as decided by panelists and fan votes. I was asked to represent We Out Here Magazine and provide my opinions during this year’s debate, and I graciously agreed to join the cast of high-powered “heads”. Debating and voting on the final list was fun, but getting to connect with some of Washington State’s movers and shakers was the most rewarding part of the experience.

juicelogoThe panelists for the debate were hand-selected by Juice Radio’s host D-Money, and included Portland’s veteran rap boss Cool Nutz who submitted a list but was unable to attend the debate. I had a great time catching up with one of my favorite performers, DJ Swervewon from Seattle even though he showed up on rapper time. I also got to meet fellow NW urban lifestyle bloggers Sermon of The Sermon’s Domain and Mitch (M-Pyre) of Respect My Region, both of whom are at least as opinionated as me and set the table for some great discussions. Last but not least, radio jockeys Luvva J (89.3 FM) and Q-Dot (Juice Radio) represented Olympia and Tacoma Federal Way, respectively.

Note: Nobody ever wants to rep Tacoma.

While I can’t reveal who made the Top Ten list, I can tell you that last year’s winner – Macklemore, duh – was excluded from this year’s debate due to his ascension to world-wide superstardom. I can also tell you that the debates were taped and will air as a series starting the first week of July. I can assure you there will be people mad. As should be expected, fans of those who did not make the list will be heated. I mostly behaved myself; still, I won’t be surprised if I get a few death threats over stated opinions.

While last year’s list was criticized as being a Seattle shut-out, this new list is more comprehensive of the region, most likely because the panelists were more diverse. It was interesting to learn what heads outside of Portland know and don’t know about Portland artists. It was equally intriguing to learn more and connect dots regarding Washington’s hip-hop scene. (FYI – Moor Gang runs Seattle.) Really the two are very similar, save that Seattle has a better infrastructure in place for rap music.

We Out Here Magazine will keep you informed when the list drops. Can’t wait to hear the ensuing debates! Till then, you can always check out GoJuiceRadio.com for updates. You might even hear me on a radio drop.
