We Out Here Magazine prides itself in keeping folks in touch with the world of NW hip-hop. We posts videos, interviews, and editorials, but the pulse of WOHM is the new music we post daily from local artists. We have our favorites, those who make consistently good music, those who are friends, but we’re always looking for new music from new artists.
Music doesn’t magically appear on the site though. We have a team of WOHMers who take the time to listen to songs, weed through the irrelevant and straight up trash, and create posts to highlight the songs we deem worthy. And to be honest, there’s not a lot of songs we deny. You’ve gotta be REALLY terrible for that. So, how does an up and coming NW artist get their music featured on WOHM? Well here are 5 Ways to make that happen.
Email us at submit@weouthere.net
The easiest thing to do is shoot us a submissions email. Include a link to your song. (If we have to download it, we won’t post it) Make sure to add an introduction if we don’t know who the heck you are. Also, a picture to add for the cover is nice. Helps to hip us to the photo cred as well.
DM or Facebook message
We do check the WOHM DMs and Facebook messages. Just follow the instructions for sending us emails. Helps to have some familiarity though. Don’t spam us. That’s whack and it may mean that we don’t even give your song an honest listen. Be professional. Look at your music submissions like a resume. Don’t just blast it out to any and everyone without some sort of personal touch. And for crying out loud, don’t just tweet it to us.
Hit up a WOHMer
If you personally know one of us, you can always shoot your work over. Email, DM, or Facebook one of us personally and we may pay a little more attention. I know I feel all important nshit when I get a submission in my WOHM email. (It’s shardemarie@weouthere.net FYI) And those personal emails help build relationships between blogger and artist. Once those relationships are built, we’ll start coming to you in search of music and interviews….maybe.
Build up the anticipation
If you’ve been tweeting all week that you’re dropping a new album on Tuesday, we’ll be ready. If your friends are retweeting and showing how excited they are for the release, we may just get a little interested. Just don’t drop something randomly at 2 am on a Friday and expect us to post it. You’re not Beyonce. A little heads up is always good.
Be amazing
There are some artists who we actively stalk. If we already like your music, chances are, we follow you on Twitter and Soundcloud and look to see what you post. However, we don’t do that for the majority. We’re not going to search for your music when we have people sending us theirs. You’ve gotta put in a lot of work to reach that status. You’ll get there one day, till then, take note.