WOHMers, I’d like you to meet Donovan.

Why, you may ask?

Well, because Donovan wants to meet you. Or, rather, he wants to talk to you. All of ya’ll.

Portland native Donovan Smith is the creator of Ignorant/Reflections, a graphic apparel project designed to foster meaningful conversations in public. He wears provocative images and phrases emblazoned on t-shirts, hats, and other apparel, then gets on TriMet or walks down the street and has conversations with anyone who wants to talk about his designs.

Sound terrifying? Not to Donovan. To him, this is a real education. IgnorantTo him, every conversation he has with a stranger is an opportunity for both parties to overcome their ignorance, and to reflect on themselves. By having conversations on the “hard topics” like, race, police activity, education, and culture, he believes everyone wins. While Ignorant/Reflections has been popping up around Portland (and beyond) for a few months now, the line officially drops on May 5th. Until then, Donovan is still out having conversations with random strangers, and he wants you to join him.

ignorant talilo
Talilo Marfil rocks the flagship Ignorant beanie in downtown PDX.

Want to check it out? Here’s your chance! WOHM is teaming up with Ignorant/Reflections to give away a t-shirt and a hat! Want to win? Share our related Facebook status AND “Like” the Ignorant/Reflections Facebook page and we’ll throw your name in the hat. Two lucky people will win one or the other! Contest closes April 30th!