Amenta Abioto & Mother, Wanda (Cover photo: Intisar Abioto)

Earlier this year, fellow WOHMer Saidah Wilson interviewed the multi-talented Abioto sisters (Part 1; Part 2). The Abioto takeover of Portland has only grown since then. Most recently, Oregon Art Beat did a feature on Amenta Abioto, who can best be described as a musical force. As someone who has seen her perform multiple times, I can tell you that each time you see her is a unique experience. Armed with a loop pedal, she can move a crowd, playing any genre from gospel to hip-hop to punk. Don’t take my word for it though. Check out the feature for yourself.

In addition to profiling Amenta, OPB also gave viewers a glimpse into the rest of the Abioto family. Specifically, it takes us into the kitchen with Amenta’s mother Wanda and her sister Intisar, as they’re preparing a meal. As someone who was first introduced to the Abiotos when they were catering for the Journey to Freedom Project’s Malcolm X Birthday Weekend (I can honestly say, if it wasn’t for them, I probably still wouldn’t be messing with vegan food), it gave my taste buds some kind of nostalgia.

For more info on Amenta, check out