About a week ago, I announced that I am bringing WOHM back. Well I kind of lied.
Akunna Amaefule is bringing WOHM back. It’s her time.
An established writer/blogger/vlogger already, Akunna did the thing that all great WOHMers do, she reached out to me and asked how she could help. She was familiar with what we’d done, and was interested in creating a new chapter in which she takes the creative helm.
Currently based in Seattle, Akunna has grown increasingly familiar with the Portland scene, and shows a hunger to learn more. I think you’ll be impressed with the work she’s about to share. Naturally, her knowledge of the Sea-Tac landscape is excellent, aligning with the vision of WOHM as a truly regional brand, while bringing fresh ideas of how to leverage virtual social technologies – an indispensable skill in these uncertain times.
Me? I’ll still be in the wings. Watching, building, promoting, opening doors where necessary, handling the technical side of the blog, and chirping in when I want. But the point is, yes, WOHM’s back, and I really REALLY like the concepts that Akunna is prepared to act on, starting on Monday the 4th.
Now get ready to watch her work. I couldn’t be more excited.
~Mac Smiff