We had a great day in Seattle yesterday handing out flyers and stickers for We Out Here Magazine. We ate some good food, had a few drinks and made a few people happy.

I enjoy making other people feel good about themselves and actually make an effort to do so.

Even with complete strangers.

Some people do not enjoy this type of activity. 9DM, at least while battling, is not a person who likes making other people feel good about themselves.

On our way back from Seattle we watched the 9DM vs Illmaculate battle. It inspired me to take the time to show a few examples of things that will make people happy and things that will have the opposite effect.

Remember people, these quotes are from a battle where the object is to tear apart your opponent. 9DM just does it in an especially horrific way.

All 9DM quotes were pulled from his battle with Illmaculate which was posted yesterday on YouTube.

Also make sure you go support 9DM’s album with Lawzspoken at CDBaby.com

Nice- Telling people you like their shoes.

It’s important to only say this to people who are wearing clean shoes. Clean shoes signify the person recently purchased the shoes or take pride in keeping them clean. Either case opens up the door for the shoe compliment to be extremely effective.

People wearing dirty shoes might interpret the remark as sarcasm.

Sarcasm from strangers does not make people happy.

9DM- “I remember you had $500 to your name and then you lost it to Conceited.”

Reminding people of their failures is a great way to make someone unhappy. Especially when that failure had a significant financial impact on a person’s life.

This battle is especially funny because 9DM and Illmaculate are friends.

If you disagree that this tactic works in making people unhappy, try calling one of your best friends and remind them about a time they completely blew it. Maybe they lost their home due to a bad business decision, or made a mistake that ended up costing them their family.

This will NOT make people happy.

Nice- Giving strangers a high five and wish them a Happy Tuesday.

This works especially well on Tuesdays.

It is also especially important to say it like you really want the person you are speaking to have a happy Tuesday.

A good way to think of it is say it like you’d say Happy Birthday to a 5-year-old.

9DM- “Because this Mother F$#@er has a baby seat…on the driver’s side.” AND “I took this battle in Portland to make it clear/ that objections on screen are shorter than they appear.”

Commenting on people’s short comings (no pun intended) is another great way to really take a knock at their self-esteem.

This is really easy because there is no definition for what a person should look like. A short coming can be anything that makes the person different.

Tall people are called “stupid giants”, short people are called “stupid midgets” and average height people are called “Ben Affleck.”

Nice- Slow clap for a person as they approach you on the street.

This works really well if you have a group of 5 or more people and the person you are clapping for is by them self or with one other person.

Start the slow clap when the person is about 50 feet away. When they get about 25 feet away they will generally look around to see who the slow clap is for.

When they realize that it is for them they will start smiling.

As they reach your group make sure you all cheer loudly.

I think everyone deserves an occasional random slow clap.

9DM- “I hate Indians but this kid is my buddy/ your people are the only ones who could make genocide funny.”

We all know that there is nothing funny about genocide. Battle rappers do get a pass when saying these sort of statements because the point of battle rapping is, in some cases, to say the most horrible thing you can think of.

This may have been the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard anyone say.

I highly recommend that you do NOT say this to people.

We Out Here