Thanks to Erik of White Fang and Gnar Records for taking the time to answer a few question for We Out Here Magazine.

Catch them live at the East End, 203 SE Grand Ave, May 26. (On your way to Woo Hah of course)

Price: $4

Thanks for taking the time. How is your day going?

Good, I’m at work.

I hate that. Tell us a bit about White Fang.

White Fang plays guitars and shit. We like to get high. We travel a lot. We’re all from poor or middle class families. We’ve known each other since middle school. We love music and songs more than anything.

Do you have a prefrence between joints and blunts?

TOUGH QUESTION. Joints are awesome, but blunts are always better.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about your live show. Who are some of your favorite bands to watch live?

I like to watch a lot of bands, for a lot of different reasons. I like bands that are comfortable playing music and having fun. I love it when i can tell the band are friends with each other.

What are some of the favorite shows you’ve been part of?

Our halloween party, “Night of the Living Shred” was really fun. I think we’ll do that annually. We run a cassette label and we had a bunch of the bands we work with play, and a bunch of people came. We also love touring. Playing on the road is the best.

Do you have any shows coming up?

Always. Check for updates.

The “Greatful to Shred” video was a lot of fun to watch. Looks like you guys party pretty hard. Can you describe the schedule of events at one of your average house parties?

We tend to get a lot of beer, smoke weed outside or in someone’s room or hotbox in the car. We tend to keep posi and stay until the vibe is lost, then we tend to hit it back to the fort and smoke more.

Favorite beer?

Ninkasi and Rainier

Do you like Jameson?

The most.

Favorite local restaraunt?

Zach’s Shack, Eastside Deli, Kim Jong Jrillin