The first four seasons of Mad Men are now streaming on Netflix!

I can finally stop being mad at my friend Gabe, aka @amsterdamallday, for holding onto my copy of season 3.

This really is great news because I hate being mad at people.

I have a hard time relating to people who haven’t watched an enjoyed all four seasons at least once. I honestly lose respect for people who don’t like the show. I’d be willing to ignore all political issues in next year’s election if a candidate was able to guarantee me one new season of Mad Men every year during his term.

Thankfully, many of my friends agree with my opinion about the show–including reporter Kelly W. Brown of the Statesman Journal.

Thanks for the time Kelly!

So do you think Mad Men is the best show or the greatest show?

Mad Men is both. The bgreatest, if you will. Mad Men is the Arrested Development of dramas — that is to say, perfect.

Has any female character in the history of television been out of the league of Don Draper?

Are we talking Don Draper in his prime, or Sad Sack Alcoholic Don Draper? The former could seal the deal with just about anyone. The latter would probably have a hard time getting with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or any of Charlie’s Angels.

Do you think Don Draper might actually be Charlie?

It could be. Don Draper is a deep well of secrets. At this point, I will accept without question whatever Matthew Weiner tells me about who Don Draper is.

What fictional character would you like to see thrown in the mad men mix?

I don’t know why, but my first reaction was Troy McClure, from The Simpsons. Maybe he’d be brought on board by Roger as their celebrity pitchman. Don wouldn’t like it

Great answer! I think I remember him from such educational films as “2 – 3 = – Fun.” I feel like Don would punch him in his face and have sex with his wife–assuming she was hot. Do you think Bettie would try to hook up with him?

I best remember Troy for his groundbreaking work on “Stop the Planet of the Apes — I Wanna Get Off!” Betty would probably go for it, because she seems to like the authoritative father-type, which Troy McClure certainly is. But isn’t he into fish, not ladies?

I’m not sure. Do you think Don will hook up with Joan this season?

I’ve wanted this so long, but have pretty much given up on it. They should, because Don’s the alpha male and Joan’s the alpha female, and it just makes sense. But nothing I want ever happens on Mad Men.

Who do you think is the hottest actress on the show?

Well, as a redhead I have no choice but to say Christina Hendricks. Betty might be prettier, but Joan is way sexier.

Do you have season 5 theories?

Don made a mistake marrying Megan, and I think this season, he’ll realize it. I think Betty will slowly fade out of it — she can’t really sustain her own plotlines. Sallie will continue her march towards dirty hippiedom/teenage delinquency. Roger continues on his downward uselessness spiral. Bert Cooper dies. Maybe Roger, too. But you know who doesn’t die? Joan’s horrible husband.

Best part about Mad Men streaming on Netflix?

I can’t choose one. No, wait, I can. The ability to access Don Draper’s scorching hotness, any time, day or night.