Stewart Villain put together a hot one here with No Manners. Last second changes converted the expected EP into a 12-track project, and it’s better for the additions. Stewart’s wild rap style – filled with risky switch ups and reckless metaphors – keeps the album interesting from top to bottom while frequently showcasing his lyrical dexterity.

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Stewart also takes over production on occasion, most notably on Back Blocks which features a fun verse from Dvnny $eth. Honestly, his features consistently come through tough. Gang$igns laces a couple of bangers, constructing beats for Lord, which features Milc, and the late addition, No Moons, which boasts an absolutely monstrous verse from LA transplant Matt Andujo. Another late addition, Chvins, puts the Villain on a dark track with Cassow about jewelry. Trox blesses No Church, which features some slick bars from Covae. I do have to admit, I was underwhelmed by features from iLLA and Tope on the first two tracks, but I was otherwise thoroughly impressed by his feature selection. I also noticed that the remixed version of the summer single, Know What I’m Like, which features Like of Pac Div and a new intro from KZME’s DJ Klyph, no longer has the verse from iLLxChri$. Interesting…

Easily one of the better albums I’ve heard this year, Stewie came for blood on a project he basically dropped just because he could. As much as he’s showing off his lyrical prowess, No Manners really stands as a testament to the young rapper’s collaborative power. It’s hard to think of another rapper/producer from Portland who exists in so many musical circles; certainly, the record resonates the eclecticism with which it was put together.

Definitely a dope record, and we out here at We Out Here are proud to bring this to you. Check out Stewart Villain’s No Manners below.