Tony Ozier – aka Dookie Green aka Master of The Funk aka Maestro of the Dookie Jam – is one of Portland’s most interesting and talented musicians. Originally from Freeport, Texas, the charismatic, 6 foot-something, skinny dread-head seems to have created his own lane in the city’s diverse music scene, attracting fans across a magnitude of genres.

TonyOI first met Tony maybe five years ago. Busy coordinating an event, he also took his turn playing a variety of instruments and ran around with a cordless mic from which he alternately hosted, sang and gave instructions to an ever-rotating band of performers… all while beaming a giant smile across the room. Rappers rapped, singers sang, drummers drummed and guitarists strummed. Then something happened that blew my mind; everybody switched. All of the sudden, rappers were drumming, drummers were on the keys, singers were grabbing guitars, and my mind was exploding.

The Dookie Jam has grown since it’s humble, yet amazing, beginnings into one of Portland’s most celebrated events. Currently operating out of Dante’s on W. Burnside St, Tony and his rag-tag gang of multi-talented musicians celebrate their 5th anniversary of Dookie Jam TONIGHT.

Tony is also celebrating the release of his latest project, BeatsGalore Vol. 2, a highly collaborative instrumental LP that builds on the concepts he started with Volume 1. All of this should make for a fun Thursday night; WOHM will certainly be in the building.

I got a chance to catch up with the always humble Tony O for a moment today as he prepared for the big show – trust me, it’s hard to steal time from him during events – to talk about life as a gang leader. Check it out.

Mac: I’m obviously a big fan of your work, but to those who don’t know, who is Tony Ozier?

Tony: Im a lover of music!  Technically I am a engineer, producer, musician, writer.

Tonight is the release party for your new project, BeatsGalore Volume 2. It’s also the 5th Anniversary Dookie Jam. Are you excited? Nervous?

I’m excited and nervous at the same time!  I will be playing some new music so I’m always nervous when it comes to that.  I’m excited ’cause we have been doing this for 5 years!  There have been so many artist and musicians that have come through the Dookie Jam!  Its a platform that has allowed us to grow and become better at our craft.

I’ve had the pleasure of chilling out at the Dookie Lab and meeting the Ozier family. How much do they influence your work?

My family totally influences my music.  For instance, my wife suggested that I use the boys for the interludes.  They also have to approve all songs before they are even considered for a record.

Ha! As a dad, that’s dope to me! The Doo Doo Funk All-Stars are such a large and seemingly fluid group. What’s it like having your own gang?

*laughs* A gang of musicians who enjoy making music together!  Really, we are more like family.  Our kids play together!!

Untitled Untitled

Well y’all do go back… I remember when the Dookie Jam used to pop off at the Calabash (RIP) over by the river. I met a lot of great folks there. There was a bit of shuffling, but things seem to be going very well at Dante’s. How’s the experience been with changing venues for such a niche event?

As far as the  shuffling goes, its just part of it.  The Calabash, Someday Lounge, and Club 915 are all closed now.  So for us to be at Dante’s, in the middle of downtown, doing our 5 Year Anniversary… we are fortunate.

You’re very much a funk musician, but you do a lot in the hip-hop community. How did you become such a strong ally/participant in the community?

I don’t know man!  When I moved to Portland I got in any beat battle I could find.  There were a lot of MC’s at those events and I ended getting the opportunity to work with some people.

Sounds about right… Speaking of hip-hop and such, you’ve done your fair share of production. Who are some of your favorite rappers to work with?

S.U.N.,  Slimkid3, Vursatyl, Easy McCoy, Six, Libretto, J Ross Parelli, & RocketOne.

Solid line-up! So what’s on the horizon for Dookie Green?

More releases!!  I’m gonna share a lot of music this year!!

Sweet! Just make sure we get it first!


Photo credits to the wonderful Adrian Adel.