I was just sitting around, minding my business, when Martin Van London sent me a message that included a link to the rough edit of a music video he was working on. I don’t always follow DM links but when Ver$ace himself sends me a link, I view it with priority. I’ve yet be disappointed.

In this case, I was actually blown away. The video was for a single called Monte Carlo which impressed me both musically and lyrically. The artist was one I’d never heard of though, so I was instantly curious. “He’s from the Mississippi Gold Coast,” Martin said of the artist, who goes by the name of QZ Tha Leader.

Now I don’t know that Portland is a prime destination for aspiring rappers to relocate to, but I was definitely interested in his story. A clearly talented story teller, his single tells the tale of a boy growing up with competing influences. Accompanied by expert visuals, he carefully illustrates how we all want the same things; it’s really just a matter of how we go get it.

QZ also has an EP out – Moments Of Genius Opus: Part1 – which is available on BandCamp for the wonderful price of FREE. Definitely a great pickup. I was granted an exclusive interview with the NWs latest rap import. Here’s how it went.

I understand you’re from the Mississippi Gulf. What on Earth brought you to Portland, Oregon?

To get way from Hurricanes! Nah, I’m joking! I did a couple of shows here some years back, and the love I received was unreal! I always told myself I would come back. So I did. This time to stay. Portland is a very artistic place. I look at my work as art. I was able to draw from Portland’s artistic vibe and manifest it sonically into my music.. Plus I love the weather! Don’t judge me!

How do you like it out here?

I love it here! People seem to a lot more open-minded, both artistically and mentally. I love the free spirit that resonates throughout the city.

Monte Carlo is a slap, but certainly qualifies as conscious rap. Do you see yourself as a conscious rapper? 

I didn’t… until I started working on this EP. It’s something I’ve battled with all my life. In the music industry, there’s pressure to talk about certain “topics” and “concepts” in order to make it mainstream. I was a victim of those pressures. I always wanted to go deeper with my lyrics. To make music that changed lives. To affect people in a positive way. But I was in certain situations that didn’t allow me creative space to really explore that side of myself. So yes, I do consider myself a conscious rapper who’s still a work in progress himself.

How did you get linked up with Martin “Ver$ace” Van London?

It’s crazy, because I posted some stuff from my last mixtape on Tumblr and Martin started following me. I saw his work online, and instantly became a fan.  After that, we’ve been in touch every since.

Where did you shoot the Monte Carlo video?

We did multiple locations throughout NW Portland. It mostly takes place in Couch Park.

Are there artists – in this region or otherwise – that you would like to be working with in the near future?

I think Rasheed Jamal is dope! I’ve heard great things about Tope. Too many to name really! Just anybody with a voice and a message working to push the hip-hop culture forward.

Anything you would like to tell your future fans before they dig into your EP?

This EP is a very personal project for me. Everything is real; no gimmicks. The topics I explore are things I’ve either witnessed first hand, been a part of, or experienced through third person POV. This project has music for every mood and emotion. It’s more of a life soundtrack than a 10 track EP! Hope you all enjoy it!