Girl Fest NW is an all ages music festival designed to promote female musicians in the Northwest.  No, that does not mean men will be turned away at the door — and yes, people have asked. [Editor’s Note: They really have though…]  I made the decision to create this annual music festival because I wanted to provide a space where men and women can come together to support and appreciate the noise being made by the fantastically talented women in our region.

Meet Little Warrior, one of those fantastically talented women!  Each week until the festival, Girl Fest NW will be releasing a video interview with one of the musicians on our line-up.  In this video, Little Warrior speaks on her musical style and inspiration, as well as what it’s like to be a female performing artist in a male dominated music industry.  Take this opportunity to get to know what Girl Fest NW is all about, and join us on August 2nd in Lola’s Room at the Crystal Ballroom!

Tickets to Girl Fest NW available HERE, and her latest EP, Little Airplanes, is below!

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=25085351 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=1033494041]


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