Vampsterdam, it’s Justin Bieber and Chris Breezy. ‘Cept we like the evil versions, that’s what she said!” – Avatar Darko

I can’t listen to Nacho Picasso everyday. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that doing so brings out my inner scumbag and that’s not good for anybody (self-included). That said, Nacho makes some crazy dope music and when he links with Avatar Darko… that’s when I feel they are at their best.

Vampsterdam 2: PTSD builds on the 2013 EP with a full-length journey through the duo’s increasingly refined debauchery. Whether you want to call it dark trap or R&G (rhythm & grunge) is up to you, but one thing is for sure. You will either love this or absolutely hate it. Tokyo Drift, Mango Sticky Rice and Mahogany are my favorites, but the way the album is organized, it’s simply great to just play it straight through when the kids aren’t around. I honestly love every verse Darko drops on this joint, and I gotta see what else he’s been up to. Peep for yourself. Ummm… Not safe for work or kids, OK? Enjoy.

NOTE: I’m sharing the SoundCloud version, but if you pull the album up on Spotify, there’s a bonus track that’s hella dope. Also, I hear they have a show coming up on 4/20… #OutHere