My name is… Kelsey Sokol.
I am… A co-owner of my media business along with Ife Adeniji. Our business is called Artistic Outlet Media LLC. We offer anything from music videos, commercials, promotional videos, event coverage, etc. We also throw sponsored parties. In that business I am the head photographer and also co-videographer. My specialties in photography are fashion, editorial, glamour, recording artists and portraits.
I like it when… I get to shoot anything that pushes my creative limits and is something new and fun. Also if traveling is involved. Love to travel!
One thing I wish the northwest would share with the world is… Our overall good nature. The people in the northwest I would say are genuinely nice down to earth people and I think everywhere could use a little more of that. Also the artistic creative talent that is coming out of the northwest these days is something to be taken seriously and shown to the world.
One thing I wish the world would share with the northwest is… The acceptance of local artistic talent. The northwest hip hop and just music scene in general is really starting to put out some great work by really talented individuals and I think it’s about time it gets noticed.
Something I have coming up is… The release of Planet Asia’s newest music video and pictures. Got the chance to go down to L.A. to shoot that for him. Be on the lookout for when that’s released!
This is exciting because… It’s the first big recording artist my company has had the chance to shoot their official music video for. Which I think is a big accomplishment since we will have been only open for a year this January.
Calvin Valentine “In the Morning” music video from ARTISTIC OUTLET TV on Vimeo.
Behind the scenes of KLS Photos Knightingale jewelry shoot. from ARTISTIC OUTLET TV on Vimeo.