Losing weight is not easy.

Unhealthy options are everywhere, and it can be tough fitting exercise into our busy schedules.

We Out Here Magazine has teamed up with Scott Graham and Evan McDaniel of Fit Studios to help five Oregonians get fit in the next 90 days.

Fit Studios is a fitness facility in Salem, Oregon specializing in group training and Boot Camps.

“Our main focus is to help each and every one of our clients reach their own personal health and fitness goals. Whether that is facilitating weight loss, or finishing your first marathon, we are here to guide you along your chosen path.”

We’ll be posting updates and health tips every Sunday, and will reweigh all of the contestants at the end of each month. So stay in touch.

You can also get a bunch of great tips on diet and exercise by visiting the Fit Studios Blog.

Learn about the participants and enjoy their dreaded “before” pictures below.

Are you ready to Fit It In?! *Applause* *Cut to intro*


Name: Casey

Age: 25

Starting Weight: 224

Bio: While growing up Casey was an athletic kid. He stayed active playing sports, but quit after his freshman year in high school. At the time, he made a lot of excuses why he quit, but the reality was that he had began drinking and using recreational drugs. As he began partying, Casey stopped being active and began putting on pounds.

The added weigh and lack of ambition turned him into somewhat of a recluse. Until recently, he did not have any motivation to change. Now drug free, he’s ready to get himself back on track physically.

“I’ve never really believed too much in things happening for a reason, but within a week of me getting sober I saw the post on Facebook for this contest and just had to write an email. It was just too good of timing.  So I’m am very grateful for this opportunity to turn my life around, get in shape, and hopefully gain back my lost confidence.  Thanks weouthere.net and Fit Studios for all you are doing!”


Name: Jamie

Age: 21

Starting Weight: 162

Bio: Growing up Jamie was always really fit and played sports year round. She never had an issue with my weight or body image, but when she was a freshman in high school she got sick, was flown from Salem Hospital to the ICU at Doernbecher’s in Portland, and induced into a coma. She had staph infection in her blood and went into septic shock.

Doctor’s told her parents that she wasn’t going to make it more than a few days, but she woke up after spending 7 days in a coma–the day before her 15th birthday.

“I definitely didn’t wake up the same person though or with the same capabilities I used to have. In that short amount of time I basically lost everything. I had to learn how to walk again, eat on my own again, do all the little things I used to do with no problem through staying in a rehabilitation center.”

She wasn’t able to play sports because of continuous staph infections and other complications from being in a coma. The combination of a lack of exercise and being on several medications that cause weight gain transformed her from a 140 pound freshman to a 190 pound senior.

She has lost some of the weight since, but is ready to get rid of the rest of it.

“As someone who wants to be a nurse and work in the health field, being fit is an important aspect of the job. Overall, it’s important to me because I just want to feel good about how I look again. I’m tired of hiding behind the fat.”


Name: Nikki


Starting Weight: 270

Bio: Nikki has been overweight since her teenage years. She has been trying to start a family with her husband for the last three years. Last summer she discovered that she has Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and that losing weight can help her conceive. Since last summer she has lost 50 pounds, but has been struggling losing additional weight.

“I am so determined!”


Name: Monica

Age: 32

Starting Weight: 163

Bio: Monica gained three kids and 80 pounds over the last ten years. She’s managed to lose 50 of the pounds on her own, but is still looking to lose the additional 30 pounds.

“I’d like to get back to a place where I feel as comfortable as possible in my own skin. I also have three children and I know the more in shape and fit I am the better of a mom I can be.”


Name: Sarah

Age: 27

Starting Weight: 174

Bio: Sarah was healthy until just a few years ago. She stopped working out and eating healthy. Her fast food/junk food diet earned her an additional 50 pound in just the last three years.

“I want to get back on track be happy with how I look. I used to absolutely love my body–when I was toned and fit and thinner–and I want to go back to that. ”

Sarah also wants her daughter to have a healthy influence in her life.

“I don’t want her to think that it’s ok to eat junk and not have a healthy lifestyle.”