by Jake Espinoza.

Brother’s from Another are another young group out of Seattle who understand the importance of quality music videos for today’s independent artists. They recently performed at Blue Scholar’s release party and released a video for Beeba Vision Part II. Quickly search Beeba Vision on Youtube and you will be amazed how far the group has come in the last year and a half.

They are those laid back cool kids that only the Northwest can properly develop. No word on whether or not Goonstar is actually as short as he appears in their videos.

Thanks to both of them for taking the time to chat with We Out Here Magazine.

It’s been a busy summer for Seattle Hip-Hop, how has it been being a part of it?

Goon: Yo it has been incredible. The entire music scene in Seattle right now is like so electric to even be considered apart of it is an honor. A lot of the guys making a lot of noise for Seattle right now are guys I grew up listening to so its like wow.

Cole: Absurd…im listening to the Physics new album as I write this its incredible the amount of stuff that is going on in Seattle hip hop right now…i still cant get over this Physics album ha but like the new Sol EP, Helluvastate’s project, its absurd ha Seattle summer’s have always brought dope ass hip hop but now people are really starting to listen and thats really exciting

Macklemore’s new video just dropped. I saw he gave you a nice shout out at the Blue Scholars release party. Do you guys stay in touch?

G: Ha. Yeah, Macklemore is a great guy. One of the great things about the scene is the fact that if we see Macklemore out he will say whats up and talk to us and what not. Its dope nobody is ever too big to give advice to the little guys. You also might see a Goonstar cameo in his next video, ha.

Cole: Yeah I’m still hella bitter I didn’t get in that cameo. Isaiah ‘forgot” to call me, but yeah Mack is dope. He performed at my school for like six people like three years ago and stayed after the show and chopped it up with us for a little. Now he’s still down to do the same thing. He’s another example of how Seattle rappers really just love hip hop and what they are doing.

What song is the Macklemore video for and why is Goon hating?

G: I don’t know if I’m supposed to say quite yet. But I swear I called this guy and he didn’t answer, ha. He was probably off cupcaking with some chick, ha.

I heard you shout out Rainer in your latest video. What’s your drink of choice?

G: Rainier, Pabst and Rolling Rock

Cole: I like water and water only. My mom might see this.

Haha. What are the best spots to chill out in Seattle?

G: Usually seen in Madison Park, Capitol Hill, Central District specifically Dicks Mad Pizza, Bobby Morris, Pike St. Mad Beach, or Ezells.

Cole: Same..oh and the library

You spent some time in Cali as well. How was that and what were you upto?

G: Man we were getting our College on down in LA. Really liked the weather down there but something about it wasn’t home. Can’t lie I really like Socal met good people and had a great time I can’t wait to get back, but Seattle will always be home.

Cole: Yeah Isaiah pretty much knocked it out of the park, ha. It was dope being down there. College was hella fun and being able to have water balloon fights in December are crackin ha, but nothing like being home. Summer went way to quick. I’m going down to San Francisco for school in like two weeks.

Were you active in the music scene while you were in Cali?

G: Man to be honest we sluffing our first year in Cali, ha. We did some shows around campus but we got really distracted which we kind of talk about in the new project actually.

What can we expect from the new album when it comes out and do you guys have a date yet?

Goon; September 1st is the best guess as of right now ha. The new project is something different I think it mostly shows maturity or the amount of growth we’ve had since our last project which we recorded just a year ago. We play around with some new sounds and keep some of the same sounds but its all still a little more mature.

Cole: I think its just a more accurate depiction of who we are than any of our previous projects we got 10 tracks on it so we were able to go a little deeper and touch on a few more things than we have in our shorter EP’s and It also allowed us to experiment a little bit more than we normally do and at the same time not straying from the jazzy shit we hella like to do

Who are some of your favorite artists from the Northwest?

Goon: I love The Physics, like I love those guys ha. Always remember seeing them rock the vera project when I was in like 9th grade and being like wow those guys are dope ha.

Cole: He wrote first and keeps steeling all my answers but to add on Sol, Mad Rad, Pinder…the list goes on and on

Being outside of Seattle it seems like there is this vibe that something amazing is happening within the city musically, especially with hip hop. How is it inside the city?

Goon: Man the energy in Seattle right now is just inspiring. I feel like artists see each other making a lot of moves and feed off of each others drive to inspire themselves its incredible.

Cole: Agreed the amount of creative energy floating around seattle hip hop right now is absurd Seattle artists are really starting to make waves outside of the North West and they are opening doors and inspiring others to do the same.

Do you guys have shows coming up?

We are going to try and throw a going away bash the 10th of August at Nector!

Cole: Yeee!

What’s the best way for people to stay in contact?

We all over twitter @BFAmusic and our FB page too holler!