Some of the stories we’ve been following today at
DATA STORED ONLINE by the partners of download site MegaUpload has been confirmed to be safe for at least two weeks, despite earlier warnings by Federal investigators that the companies hosting the data could start deleting user’s content as soon as Thursday.

The file sharing and storage site was taken offline earlier this month under charges that the site allowed users to upload and share TV shows and movies for free, bypassing international copyright laws. The company states that regardless of the charges, many people use the service for honest storage purposes, including family photos and business documents.
Via CNet

threw a monkey wrench into the plans of Oscar pickers, serving up a surprise Lead Actor Award loss for ‘The Descendants’’George Clooney at the hands of French funny man Jean Dujardin, from ‘The Artist.’

Viola Davis of ‘The Help’ won the Lead Actress role ahead of odds-on favorite Meryl Streep, who was recently nominated for her 17th Academy Award for her portrayal of the aging former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in, ‘The Iron Lady.’

‘The Help’ also won the highest award of the night, Outstanding Performance by a Cast, which increases its profile heading deep into Oscars territory. The Academy will put all speculation to rest during the awards ceremony on February 26th.

Via CinemaBlend

AN 11-YEAR OLD BOY who is accused of threatening a Tri-Met passenger with a loaded gun Thursday evening in downtown Portland has been placed in temporary state custody. The boy’s mother has requested he be placed with his aunt, a former foster parent, while child welfare workers monitor the boy’s home situation.

The boy is faced with several possible charges, including unlawful possession of a firearm and menacing.

Via Oregonlive
